Цаг захиалах

Доорх маягтыг бөглөж манай эмнэлэгт цаг захиалаарай.

Home      Book an appointment

    Choose a service type

    Please indicate the type of service you’d like to use: *

    Select “Fast-track” if you will be visiting our clinic on any working day between 7am and 4pm for no queue service at extra charge, or select “Premium Service” for services available after work hours on weekdays or select Telemedicine service for consultation via phone and medication delivered to you.

    Fast-track service – Clinic

    Premium service – Clinic

    Telemedicine Service via phone and delivery

    Personal details

    Name *

    Email *

    Phone number *

    Choose a Marie Stopes centre *

    Use the dropdown menu to select your preferred Marie Stopes location

    Choose a service *

    Let us know what type of service you would like to book an appointment for

    Preferred date of appointment

    Select a preferred date for your appointment

    Are you happy for one of our team to contact you? *



    Contact preference

    How you would you prefer that our team contacts you?




    Comments or questions

    Let us know if you have any comments or queries