Жирэмслэлт тодорхойлох тест
Нэг үйлдэлт жирэмсний тест

What is the HCG Urine Pregnancy Test
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) is produced by the placenta during pregnancy, shortly after the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. Usually HCG can be detected by a home pregnancy test within 7-10 days after conception. Each test can be only be used for one time and cannot be reused.
Advantages of using this pregnancy test
Available to be purchased from most of the pharmacies It is easy to use at home

Frequently asked questions about pregnancy tests
You can take this pregnancy test from the first day after a missed period and onwards.
If you think you are pregnant and would like to use the HCG urine pregnancy test Marie Stopes Mongolia can help and and provide you with all the information you need.
You can also find out more about where you can get the HCG Urine Pregnancy Test
We deliver our products countrywide. You can place your orders via phone on:
Tel: (976) 77118710 at UB office
Tel: (976) 80053230 at Erdenet city
Tel: (976) 80056260 at Darkhan city
Orders will be delivered within a day or next day depending on the time orders given